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  • 华评小企业管理学院 - 助您小企业腾飞 | 华人商业评论(华评)

    創業 策略 營銷 財務 人力 團隊 運營 創新 數據 危機 社會 華評小企業管理體係 創業基礎:迈向成功的第一步 從市場調研到商業模式設計,我們將帶你走過創業的初步階段,理解並應用基礎的創業原則。 开始“抢”学问 No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

  • 華人商業評論生活板塊

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  • CITA | California International Teachers Association

    HIBLOC Membership Terms and Conditions ​ Please read these terms and conditions carefully before becoming a member of HIBLOC. By signing up for a HIBLOC membership, you agree to abide by the following terms: ​ Membership Eligibility: HIBLOC membership is open to students, parents, teachers, and their families who have been referred by an existing HIBLOC member and have successfully completed the membership application process. Membership Benefits: As a HIBLOC member, you will have access to a wide range of events, activities, and exclusive offerings. These may include educational workshops, cultural experiences, networking opportunities, and more. The specific benefits and privileges will vary based on your membership level and participation. Membership Duration: HIBLOC membership is valid for a specified period, usually one year from the date of enrollment. Renewal options will be provided closer to the expiration date. Code of Conduct: All HIBLOC members are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and responsible manner during all HIBLOC events and activities. Any behavior that is deemed inappropriate, disruptive, or disrespectful towards others may result in the termination of membership. Membership Fee: HIBLOC may require a membership fee for accessing certain events and activities. The fee will be communicated to members prior to registration and is subject to change at HIBLOC's discretion. Cancellation and Refunds: If you wish to cancel your HIBLOC membership, please contact us directly. Membership fees are non-refundable, except in cases where HIBLOC determines it necessary to provide a refund. Privacy and Data Protection: HIBLOC respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. By becoming a member, you agree to the collection and use of your data in accordance with our privacy policy. Modifications: HIBLOC reserves the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time. Members will be notified of any changes and will have the opportunity to review and accept the revised terms. By joining HIBLOC, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms and conditions and agree to comply with them. We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant community and creating meaningful moments together. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the membership terms and conditions, please contact us for further assistance.

  • 要學職場

    ​要学建筑 在要学建筑,我们深知职业规划对每个人都至关重要。我们的职业板块旨在为您提供全面的职业信息,包括不同行业的就业前景、薪资趋势、职业发展建议和技能培训建议。无论您是即将步入职场的学生,还是职业生涯中的专业人士,我们的资源都将帮助您做出明智的职业决策。通过喜答百科的职业板块,您可以更好地了解不同职业领域的机会和挑战,制定适合自己的职业发展策略,实现职业梦想。职业板块,助您在职场中腾飞! No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

  • 要學新聞頭條

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  • 要學未來

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  • 嗨部落

    ​专业撰稿人 教育领域的专家和实践者,分享他们的知识、经验和见解。 了解详情 机构撰稿人 教育机构代表,发布教育内容、活动和洞察。 了解详情 专业撰稿 赋能教育,共创未来:喜答百科诚邀专业撰稿人 喜答百科(CitaBooks)由CITA加州国际教师联盟创立,是一个深耕于加州华人社区的教育资讯平台,旨在提供丰富、准确和实用的教育信息,协助家长、学生和教育工作者获得更高质量的教育体验。今天,我们诚挚地邀请您,一位充满激情和专业知识的教育人,加入喜答百科专业撰稿人的行列。 什么是专业撰稿人? ​ 专业撰稿人是我们的尊贵伙伴,他们具备丰富的教育领域经验和知识,愿意通过撰写和分享文章,为广大读者提供有价值的教育资讯和洞见。作为专业撰稿人,您将有机会在喜答百科展示您的专业知识,影响数万华人家庭的教育选择和生活质量。 为什么选择喜答百科? ​ 社区价值:喜答百科紧贴加州华人社区的实际需求,每一篇文章都有可能影响和改变读者的教育观念和实践方式,您的知识将为社区带来实质性的改变。 个人价值:在喜答百科发文不仅能增强您的个人品牌和影响力,还能拓展人脉、与其他教育专家交流和学习,持续提升自我。 我们对专业撰稿人的要求: ​ 撰写内容需具备教育领域的专业性、针对性和实用性; 文章需要是内容型的软文,不能直接发布广告或推销信息; 遵循喜答百科的投稿和编辑标准,确保内容质量。 喜答百科专业撰稿投稿指南: ​ 在喜答百科注册免费账号; 用注册邮箱发送简历至 ; 收到平台授权后,就可以开始撰写和发布文章。 每一篇投稿都会经过我们编辑部的严格审核,确保内容的专业性和价值性,为读者提供最高质量的阅读体验。 加入喜答百科,让我们携手共创一个充满智慧和价值的教育资讯平台,为加州华人社区的教育发展贡献力量!我们期待您的加入,一起赋能教育,共创未来! ​ 机构撰稿 推动教育创新,共享知识财富:喜答百科诚邀机构撰稿人 喜答百科CITABOOKS, 由CITA加州国际教师联盟创立,是加州华人社区的教育资讯宝库,我们致力于构建一个集知识、技能和经验于一体的共享平台。今天,我们热忱地邀请教育机构加入我们,成为喜答百科的机构撰稿人,共同推动教育创新,为社区带来更丰富的教育资源和更高的教育品质。 ​ 什么是机构撰稿人? ​ 机构撰稿人是指具有一定教育背景和专业知识的教育机构,他们通过撰写和发布文章,在喜答百科上分享他们的专业见解、教育方法和成功案例。 在喜答百科发文的价值 对社区的价值:机构撰稿人的专业文章将帮助加州华人社区更好地了解教育动态、把握教育机会,推动教育品质和效果的提升。 对机构的价值:成为机构撰稿人,您的机构将获得更广泛的知名度和影响力,建立和加强品牌形象,吸引更多关注和信任。 喜答百科对机构撰稿人的要求 ​ 文章内容需具备深度和专业性,服务于读者的实际需求; 文章为内容型软文,不可直接发布广告或推销信息; 文章需遵循喜答百科的投稿和编辑标准。 喜答百科机构撰稿投稿指南 ​ 在喜答百科注册免费账号; 使用注册邮箱发送机构介绍和申请至 ; 在获得平台授权后,便可开始撰写和发布文章。 我们的编辑团队将严格审查每一篇投稿,确保其专业性和价值,以保障读者的阅读体验和满意度。 喜答百科与您携手,共创加州华人社区的教育未来!我们期待您的加入,让我们共同为社区提供最有价值的教育资讯,推动教育的创新和发展。 ​

  • 要學育兒

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  • 要學職場

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  • CITAAcademic | California International Teachers Association

    NEW CitaPath Students Get FREE Academic Planning Enrool Now Breaks down barriers that once isolated students Connect with the best instructors From all across the United States Academic Tutoring Best teachers creates best academic solutions. CITA draws the best instructors from top universities and schools all across California, Taxes, Illinois, New York and many others, to right in front of you. Academic Tutoring Test Prep Most tests are national, even international, while local resources may put a limit to your success. CITA breaks the geographical limitation and manages to put together an elite Test Prep Instructors to meet 1-on-1 FOR you. Test Prep College Admission Counseling Great college application are made up of components beyond scores, meet with a CITA College Admission Counselor online from where your dream colleges are, they know it the best. College Admission Counseling CitaPath Free Consultation Zoom Meeting At Your Convenience Book a quick check with your CitaPath academic advisors- Excellent K12 school teachers from all states Grade Level Select a Service Submit Thanks for submitting!

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