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  • Founderson Storefront Design

    Image Gallery There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for our signature touch. I’m an image title. Describe your image here. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content. I’m an image title. Describe your image here. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content. I’m an image title. Describe your image here. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content. I’m an image title. Describe your image here. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content. I’m an image title. Describe your image here. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content. I’m an image title. Describe your image here. Go to “Manage Media” to add your content.

  • Upcoming Solar Events | Solar Owners Association (SOA)

    Your Gateway to Fair Pricing and Comprehensive Solar Solutions SOAFAIR is designed as a mini trade show or group consultation event that connects future solar owners (FOs) with top solar installers (SIs) in a collaborative, educational setting. This unique platform allows participants to explore multiple solar solutions, gain insights from expert guest speakers, and engage directly with industry professionals. REGISTER NOW Get to Know the Program SOAFAIR is an innovative program designed to connect future solar energy adopters with top solar installers and key stakeholders in the renewable energy sector. This unique event combines the best elements of a trade fair and group consultation, offering a focused platform for education, networking, and collaboration. Each SOAFAIR session invites up to 100 prospective solar owners (Future Owners) to engage directly with 5-10 leading solar installation companies. These installers are carefully selected based on their reputation and ability to meet attendees' specific needs. This setup ensures that Future Owners receive personalized advice and can compare multiple solar options side by side in a controlled, supportive environment. The event is structured to include presentations from solar installers, followed by a Q&A session where participants can ask detailed questions. Additionally, SOAFAIR features guest speakers, such as solar energy experts and government officials, who provide insights into the latest industry trends and innovations. Networking is a key aspect of SOAFAIR. After the formal sessions, a complimentary lunch is provided, offering participants the chance to engage in informal discussions and build relationships. This makes SOAFAIR an invaluable resource for anyone looking to explore solar energy options with expert guidance and community support. SOAFAIR TERMS & CONDITIONS Power the future together SOAFAIR empowers Future Solar Owners by offering direct access to top solar installers and industry experts. Participants can compare options, ask detailed questions, and receive personalized, unbiased advice, ensuring they make informed decisions tailored to their specific energy needs. This program simplifies the solar adoption process, providing clarity and confidence in choosing the best solar solutions for long-term sustainability and savings. ASK US Comprehensive and Convenient Comparison of Top Solar Installers, Offering Side-by-Side Evaluation and Direct Interaction for Informed Decision-Making Read More Personalized and Unbiased Guidance from Leading Solar Industry Professionals to Ensure the Best Solutions Tailored to Individual Needs Read More Access to In-Depth Expert Insights on Solar Industry Trends, Policies, and Technological Advancements to Guide Future-Proof Decision-Making Read More Opportunities to Build Connections and a Supportive Community with Like-Minded Individuals Interested in Solar Energy and Sustainability Read More Working With the Best In the "Only the Best Partnerships, for the Best Choices" section, discover our top-tier solar service providers. Carefully vetted for quality, these partners ensure your solar system runs at peak efficiency, offering the best solutions for installation, maintenance, and upgrades. Find the most trusted partners here. Free Consultation Power the future together The Solar Owners Association (SOA) is dedicated to promoting solar energy development and environmental sustainability. We provide comprehensive information, expert guidance, and transparent services to help solar users enhance efficiency and sustainability. Whether you are a current owner or a future user, we are committed to offering you the latest information on solar systems, ensuring everyone can benefit from clean energy. Join us in creating a greener, brighter future together! SOAFIAR SIGN UP All Events Future Owners 國語服務 太陽能系統咨詢 Available Online 加入我們的太陽能諮詢網絡研討會:照亮您未來的太陽能之路! Read More 1 hr 免費 免費 Book Now Sunrun Solar Consultation Available Online Read More 1 hr 免費 免費 Book Now Sunpower Consultation Available Online Read More 1 hr 免費 免費 Book Now Tesla Solar Consultation Available Online Read More 1 hr 免費 免費 Book Now 太陽能系統咨詢 Available Online 加入我們的太陽能諮詢網絡研討會:照亮您未來的太陽能之路! Read More 1 hr 免費 免費 Book Now

  • california history museum | SOA

    Sat, Sep 16 | Sacramento california history museum california history museum Registration is closed See other events Time & Location Sep 16, 2023, 9:40 AM – 11:40 AM PDT Sacramento, 1020 O St, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA About the event california history museum california history museum california history museum california history museum california history museum california history museum california history museum california history museum california history museum california history museum Show More Tickets Ticket type Hibloc Event Ticket More info Hibloc Event TicketHibloc Event TicketHibloc Event TicketHibloc Event TicketHibloc Event Ticket Price $21.00 Sale ended Total $0.00 Checkout Share this event

  • Current Owners Guide | Solar Owners Association (SOA)

    並沒有省錢? 並沒有省錢?找SOA看一看。太陽能業主協會(SOA)提供專業的太陽能系統診斷服務,幫助您找出問題根源。我們的專家團隊將進行系統優化與檢修、能源管理諮詢,並提供最新政策與補貼資訊、系統升級與擴展方案,以及全天候客戶支持與培訓。加入SOA,確保您的太陽能系統真正實現節能省錢的目標。 右下角咨詢 Current Owners We are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive solar system support and maintenance services. Here, you can easily access system upgrade recommendations, the latest policy information, and energy-saving tips to ensure your solar system operates efficiently. Our expert team is always available to offer professional consultations and technical support, making your green living experience worry-free and secure. Contact us to explore more exclusive services and offers. Learn More ​當前業主 專屬服務 系統維護和優化 定期檢查和維護:確保系統最佳運行,延長系統壽命。 故障排除和修理:快速解決問題,避免能源損失。 系統升級建議:提供最新技術和市場趨勢的升級建議。 拆裝服務:換房頂時進行專業的系統拆裝。 電池更換:提供後期電池更換,保持系統高效運行。 聯係我們 技術支持和培訓 技術支持:隨時提供技術問題解答和專業建議。 業主培訓:參加培訓,提升系統使用和維護知識。 查看活動 政策、補貼和財務資訊 政策更新:提供最新政策、法規和補貼資訊。 申請協助:幫助準備和提交補貼申請材料。 財務諮詢:提供太陽能投資的財務建議。 保險選擇:協助選擇適合的太陽能系統保險。 聯係我們 社區和網絡 業主論壇:提供交流經驗、分享資訊的平台。 專家諮詢:連接行業專家,獲得專業建議。 聯係我們 ​點擊了解住宅ADU及節能改造 SOA 5 days ago 3 min Future Owners Understanding Solar Energy: An In-Depth Look at Photovoltaic (PV) Systems Welcome to our comprehensive guide on solar energy! In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of solar energy, focusing on the... SOA Aug 6 2 min Future Owners Why Shopping for Solar is Such a Headache Shopping for solar is complicated by technical jargon, varied prices, hidden fees, and aggressive sales tactics. Get informed to make the be SOA Jul 29 4 min Future Owners Tesla Powerwall: Evolution from 1.0 to 3.0 Learn about the evolution of Tesla Powerwall from 1.0 to 3.0, comparing key upgrades and performance improvements. 1 2 3 4 5 Anchor ZERH QA SOA提供專業補貼申請服務 SOA 致力於協助建商和業主申請公用事業公司和政府的節能補貼,提升住宅能效並降低建造成本。聯繫我們,獲取專業支持。 右下角聊天窗口聯係SOA ​更多問題,查看會員FAQs

  • Founderson Business Brokerage - Connecting Market Opportunities

    1/1 14 Years of Dedication SMA Stays True to Its Mission on Serving Entrepreneurs The Store Managers Association (SMA), proudly stands as a diverse, integrity-driven, and symbiotic service platform. Since 2009, we have witnessed the powerful synergy created by the convergence of professionals, which led to the establishment of the Taishan International Teachers Club, later evolving into the California International Teachers Association (CITA). This association was instrumental in realizing the entrepreneurial dreams of many teachers and provided operational and management solutions to schools, learning centers, and training institutions. Drawing upon 14 years of experience in serving storefront-type small businesses, we have now transformed and elevated our mission as the Store Managers Association (STORE MANAGERS ASSOCIATION, also known as SMA). ​ Today, embracing the spirit and mission of CITA, SMA continues to serve educational experts and has expanded its reach to a broader entrepreneurial community and investors, offering customized solutions. Whether it's business acquisitions, commercial financing, or market expansion, SMA is your trusted partner. This transformation not only signifies the expansion of our service scope but also represents our ongoing commitment to enhancing the quality and professionalism of our services. ​ At SMA, we believe in the potential of every store manager and entrepreneur to achieve their dreams. We are dedicated to unlocking this potential and guiding each of our partners towards success. Our Business Brokerage Founderson Business Brokerage Services specializes in the buying and selling of stores, covering industries like catering, beauty, personal care, and retail. We offer comprehensive market analysis, professional assessments, and customized transaction strategies to ensure the smooth progress of each deal. Whether you are looking to purchase an ideal commercial store or planning to sell an existing business, Founderson can provide you with professional and efficient services to help you achieve your business goals. Our History 2009年中華泰山國際教師俱樂部 2009年中華泰山國際教師俱樂部 1/1 2009-2018 加州国际教师联盟(CITA) From 2009 to 2018, the California International Teachers Association focused on providing educational and operational solutions for small and medium-sized educational institutions. Understanding the needs and challenges of the education industry, we were committed to enhancing educational quality and optimizing teaching processes, aiding institutions in achieving sustainable development. 2018-2022 美国喜答(CITA AMERICA)公司 ​上海喜答(CITA SHANGHAI)公司 Between 2018 and 2022, the transition from the California International Teachers Association to Cita America and Cita Shanghai signified an expansion into the consulting field. This phase not only continued our expertise in education but also ventured into a broader range of consulting services, including business management and marketing strategies. 2022-至今 Store Managers Association ​门店经理人协会 (SMA,店理会) Since 2022, we have officially rebranded as Founderson Consulting Company. Continuing to expand our services, Founderson not only offers professional insights in education but is also dedicated to providing comprehensive business consulting services to clients across various industries, assisting businesses in seizing market opportunities and achieving growth. 1/1 Founderson Small Business Consulting: Comprehensive Business Solutions, Your Brain Trust Discover Founderson's all-encompassing business services, covering business brokerage, commercial real estate, commercial space design, and a business management school, specifically designed to enhance the market value and competitive edge of small businesses. Founderson Co. Services Professional Buying and Selling Services, making it easy for you to buy and sell businesses, achieve business goals, and maximize benefits. Business Brokerage Learn More Focused on finding ideal business opportunities for you, fulfilling your investment and leasing needs. Commercial Real Estate Learn More Innovative design solutions, bringing unique style and functionality to your commercial spaces. Commercial Space Design Learn More Offering practice-oriented small business management courses to cultivate your business knowledge and management skills. SB Management School Learn More Expert Team Founderson's Business Brokerage Service boasts a team of experienced professionals from various commercial fields, possessing deep industry knowledge and market insights. Our team provides expert buying and selling advice to ensure a smooth, efficient transaction process while maximizing client benefits. Customized Services Founderson offers tailored service plans based on clients' specific needs and business characteristics. Our services aim to meet individual client requirements, ensuring each transaction aligns with the client's best interests. Extensive Network We have an extensive network of industry contacts, including buyers, sellers, and various business partners. This vast network offers more opportunities for our clients and significantly increases the chances of successful transactions. Full Support Founderson provides comprehensive support from evaluation and negotiation to the completion of transactions. Our professional team offers necessary assistance and advice at every step, ensuring a transparent and efficient process while minimizing potential risks for clients during transactions. Please Feel Free To Get In Touch Contact Us Founderson Business Review Founderson Business Review, your wellspring of business intelligence. Tailored for store owners, we provide up-to-date industry news, management strategies, and market trend analyses. We deeply interpret business shifts, helping you anticipate opportunities and grasp market trends. Subscribe to empower your business decisions and embark on a journey of wealth growth. Join Founderson, let's shape the future of business together! Understanding Solar Energy: An In-Depth Look at Photovoltaic (PV) Systems Welcome to our comprehensive guide on solar energy! In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of solar energy, focusing on the... Why Shopping for Solar is Such a Headache Shopping for solar is complicated by technical jargon, varied prices, hidden fees, and aggressive sales tactics. Get informed to make the be Tesla Powerwall: Evolution from 1.0 to 3.0 Learn about the evolution of Tesla Powerwall from 1.0 to 3.0, comparing key upgrades and performance improvements. SunPower Halts Support for Lease and PPA Agreements SunPower Halts Support for Lease and PPA Agreements Freedom Forever Overtakes Tesla in U.S. Residential Solar Market Freedom Forever Overtakes Tesla in U.S. Residential Solar Market Case Study: How Solar Owners Can Use the Federal Tax Credit Use the Federal Tax Credit 1 2 3 4 5 Subscribe To Our Newsletter In-depth analysis, industry insights, helping you stay ahead. Tailored for business leaders and entrepreneurs, it offers accurate information and strategic advice, an indispensable choice for your business decisions. Subscribe to Founderson and unlock the door to success! Enter your email here 免费订阅 Thanks for submitting! Hailingo Jun 23 How much do you know about Tesla Energy? Like Reactions 1 1 comment 1 Views SOA Official Jun 20 Looking for an energy-efficient contractor? Like Reactions 0 0 comments 0 Views Will Guo (Sunrun) Jun 17 How to become a blog writer on SOA? Like Reactions 1 2 comments 2 Views Will Guo (Sunrun) Jun 17 Are American solar panels actually better and worthy? Like Reactions 0 0 comments 0 Views Will Guo (Sunrun) Jun 17 Does owning the system still a good option? Like Reactions 0 0 comments 0 Views Hailingo Jun 15 What will happen if I want to terminate an PPA? Like Reactions 1 1 comment 1 Views

  • Energy Efficient Upgrade Guide | Solar Owners Association (SOA)

    Enhance Quality of Life with Energy-Efficient Upgrades Discover eco-friendly and efficient home solutions. Whether it's an ADU addition or a home renovation, SOA offers expert guidance and support for energy-efficient upgrades. Learn more now and make your home a model of low energy consumption! Learn More Independent Professional Advice SOA offers objective and professional energy-efficient renovation advice as an independent third party, separate from builders and homeowners. Rest assured, our recommendations are solely based on your best interests, not commercial gains. Comprehensive Educational Resources SOA provides a wealth of educational resources to help homeowners fully understand energy-saving technologies and eco-friendly renovations. We offer detailed guides, case studies, and expert advice to ensure you are well-informed throughout the renovation process. Certification for Quality Assurance Transparent Builder Recommendations SOA offers certification services for energy-efficient renovations, ensuring that your project meets the highest standards of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Our certification system guarantees that the chosen technologies and materials have been thoroughly tested and approved. SOA recommends certified, high-quality builders with extensive experience and a strong reputation in energy-efficient renovations. Our recommendations are based solely on quality and reliability, ensuring you receive the best service experience. Continuous Support Services Environmental and Sustainability Focus SOA not only supports you during the renovation process but also offers long-term maintenance and upgrade advice. Our expert team will regularly inspect and optimize your energy systems, ensuring they always operate at peak efficiency, saving you more energy and costs. SOA is dedicated to promoting eco-friendly and sustainable building and renovation solutions. We help you select and implement the most environmentally beneficial technologies and materials, ensuring your renovation project is not only energy-efficient but also environmentally friendly, driving sustainable development. Solar Owners Association: Safeguarding Your Energy-Efficient Upgrades Contact Us SOA Understanding Solar Energy: An In-Depth Look at Photovoltaic (PV) Systems Welcome to our comprehensive guide on solar energy! In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of solar energy, focusing on the... SOA Why Shopping for Solar is Such a Headache Shopping for solar is complicated by technical jargon, varied prices, hidden fees, and aggressive sales tactics. Get informed to make the be SOA Tesla Powerwall: Evolution from 1.0 to 3.0 Learn about the evolution of Tesla Powerwall from 1.0 to 3.0, comparing key upgrades and performance improvements. 1 2 3 4 5 Anchor ZERH QA SOA Preferred Builders How to Become an SOAR Builder Joining the SOAR Program (SOA Recommended Program) opens up more business opportunities and enhances your brand reputation. Through our rigorous review and training, we ensure you have expertise in high-efficiency and eco-friendly construction. We provide professional support and marketing promotion to help you stand out in the energy-efficient renovation field. Apply now, join us, and let's promote sustainable development together! Learn More

  • Carbon Credits | Solar Owners Association (SOA)

    Carbon Emissions and Carbon Credits Explore how to reduce your carbon footprint and gain economic benefits through the carbon credit market. Learn about the latest carbon emission reduction technologies and projects, and achieve your sustainability goals with SOA's expert guidance. Let's work together to create a cleaner, greener future. Learn More SOA Understanding Solar Energy: An In-Depth Look at Photovoltaic (PV) Systems Welcome to our comprehensive guide on solar energy! In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of solar energy, focusing on the... SOA Why Shopping for Solar is Such a Headache Shopping for solar is complicated by technical jargon, varied prices, hidden fees, and aggressive sales tactics. Get informed to make the be SOA Tesla Powerwall: Evolution from 1.0 to 3.0 Learn about the evolution of Tesla Powerwall from 1.0 to 3.0, comparing key upgrades and performance improvements. 1 2 3 4 5 Anchor ZERH QA

  • Forum - SOA Solar Owners Association

    To see this working, head to your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Login / Sign up SOA FORUM A space for solar owners to share knowledge, solutions, and experiences. Create New Post General Topics Discuss various topics related to solar energy, share experiences, ask questions, and connect with other members. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 411 Follow Future Owners Share advice, experiences, and tips for those considering solar energy. Connect with future solar owners here. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 3 Follow Current Owners Discuss maintenance, upgrades, and experiences with your solar system. Connect with other current solar owners here. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 3 Follow Solar Policies Discuss solar energy policies, regulations, and incentives. Stay informed and share insights on policy developments here subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 Follow Solar Equipment Discuss solar equipment, share reviews, and seek advice on the best products for your system. Connect with experts here. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 2 Follow Solar Companies Share experiences, reviews, and insights about solar companies. Connect with others to find the best providers here. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 2 Follow Solar Pros Network, share insights, and discuss industry trends with other solar professionals. Connect with experts in the field h subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 Follow New Posts Hailingo Jul 05 How much do you know about Tesla Energy? Solar Companies Hi, are there any Tesla solar users out there? How is your Tesla experience? Like 1 1 comment 1 SOA Official Jun 20 Looking for an energy-efficient contractor? General Topics Use the HERS® Index to find the best options! The HERS® Index Score helps you compare homes based on their energy performance, ensuring you save on utility bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Check out our detailed blog article for a comprehensive guide on using HERS® Index Scores to find an energy-smart builder and make an informed decision. Visit our blog now and start your journey to a more sustainable home! Read the full article here! Like 0 comments 0 Will Guo (Sunrun) Jul 15 How to become a blog writer on SOA? Solar Pros Please explain how to become a blog writer on SOA website. Like 1 2 comments 2 Forum - Frameless

  • soa members

    No plans available Once there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here. Back to Home Page HAIBLOC Membership Pricing System: ​ Monthly Plan: Price: $10 per month Access to the HA IBLOC event marketplace for one month Convenient monthly payment option Auto-renewal: The monthly plan will automatically renew each month unless the member cancels their subscription before the renewal date. By signing up for the monthly plan, members agree to the auto-renewal feature. Yearly Plan: Price: $99 per year Access to the HAIBLOC event marketplace for one year Significant savings compared to the monthly plan Auto-renewal: The yearly plan will automatically renew each year unless the member cancels their subscription before the renewal date. By signing up for the yearly plan, members agree to the auto-renewal feature. Family Plan: Price: $149 per year for two family members Immediate family members, including parents or legal guardians and their dependent children, can be included in the family plan. An additional $30 per year is required for each additional family member. Payments are made annually, ensuring access to the HAIBLOC event marketplace for the entire family. Auto-renewal: The family plan will automatically renew each year unless the member cancels their subscription before the renewal date. By signing up for the family plan, members agree to the auto-renewal feature. Note: All membership plans include access to the HAIBLOC event marketplace, where members can browse and purchase tickets to various edutainment events. Membership fees are non-refundable. Prices are subject to change at the discretion of HAIBLOC. Please select the membership plan that suits your needs and provides you with the best access to the exciting world of HAIBLOC events and activities! ​ Family Plan Enrollment Process: ​ To enroll in the HAIBLOC Family Plan and enjoy the benefits of VIP access, please follow the steps below: ​ Contact us: Send an email to expressing your interest in the Family Plan membership. Please include your name and the names of your immediate family members who will be included in the plan. VIP Enrollment: Our dedicated team will process your enrollment as VIP members and provide you with further instructions on how to complete the payment process. Payment: Once your enrollment is confirmed, you will receive a payment link to complete the subscription for the Family Plan. The annual fee will be $149 for two family members, with an additional $30 per year for each additional family member. Family Account: As part of the Family Plan, your family will receive a shared family account. Each family member will have their own unique login credentials, allowing them to access and attend HAIBLOC events separately as individual members. Rewards Program: One of the key benefits of the Family Plan is the ability to accumulate and share reward points as a family. This means that each family member's points will contribute to the overall rewards balance, allowing your family to enjoy the benefits together. Please note that the Family Plan is designed to provide a premium experience for families, allowing you to create lasting memories through educational entertainment. Our team is committed to ensuring a smooth enrollment process and providing ongoing support to all our valued Family Plan subscribers. For any inquiries or assistance with the enrollment process, please don't hesitate to reach out to . We are here to help you make the most of your HAIBLOC experience as a valued member of our community. ​ We look forward to welcoming you and your family as VIP members of HAIBLOC!

  • Solar Energy FAQs | Solar Owners Association (SOA)

    SOA LEARNING CENTER Welcome to the SOA FAQs page! Here, you'll find answers to common questions about solar energy, financing options, installation processes, and more. Our goal is to provide you with clear and concise information to help you make informed decisions about your solar journey. Whether you're a current solar owner or considering making the switch, this resource is designed to address your concerns and provide valuable insights. Explore our FAQs to get the information you need and feel free to contact us for any additional questions or personalized advice. Free Consultation

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