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Information (76)

  • The residential solar market in California is expected to decline by 40% in 2024.

    Based on recent market forecasts, California's residential solar market is projected to decline by 40% in 2024, while the commercial rooftop solar market is expected to decrease by 25% from 2024 to 2025. This forecast reflects the significant impact of recent policy changes by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). California has long been the largest solar market in the U.S., installing more solar capacity annually than any other state. However, this trend shifted in 2021 when Texas emerged as the new leader. Although California reclaimed the top spot in 2022, this change indicates shifting market dynamics. At the end of 2022, the CPUC approved a new compensation method, transitioning from "net metering" to "net billing," reducing the value of rooftop solar credits by about 75%. This sudden and drastic change has posed significant challenges to the solar industry, resulting in widespread job losses and business closures. As the Solar Owners Association (SOA), we believe the industry needs to adapt and innovate in the face of these challenges. We urge policymakers to reconsider these policies and take measures to encourage more solar and storage adoption to ensure California meets its 2030 clean energy goals. We are committed to participating in relevant proceedings to ensure proper evaluation and compensation for the power solar and storage customers contribute to the grid. We are also advocating for allowing customers to generate credits with excess energy to offset utility transmission charges. Additionally, policymakers should take steps to reduce grid interconnection delays, expand energy storage incentives, and support incentives for low- and middle-income households to access solar and storage. At this critical moment, we need policymakers' support to mitigate the negative impacts of these policies. California's solar and storage industry can adapt to this new policy reality, but it requires active engagement and support from state leaders. California's clean energy future depends on it.

  • Find an Energy Smart Builder: Use HERS® Index Scores to Shop for Homes Based on Energy Performance

    In today's world, energy efficiency has become a key factor in the decision-making process for homebuyers. With rising energy costs and growing environmental concerns, finding an energy-smart builder can significantly impact your long-term living expenses and carbon footprint. One effective tool to aid in this search is the Home Energy Rating System (HERS®) Index. This article delves into the importance of the HERS® Index, how to use it to find an energy-smart builder, and why energy performance should be a priority when shopping for a new home. Understanding the HERS® Index The HERS® Index is a nationally recognized system for inspecting and calculating a home's energy performance. Developed by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET), the HERS® Index provides a comprehensive assessment of a home's energy efficiency, allowing buyers to make informed decisions. Here’s how it works: Scoring System: The HERS® Index Score ranges from 0 to 150, where a lower score indicates better energy efficiency. A score of 100 represents the energy use of a standard new home built to code, while a score of 0 signifies a net-zero energy home that produces as much energy as it consumes. Evaluation Criteria: The score is determined through an extensive evaluation of the home’s construction and energy systems, including insulation levels, window efficiency, heating and cooling systems, ductwork, and major appliances. Benefits of Using HERS® Index Scores 1. Energy Savings Homes with lower HERS® Index Scores are designed to consume less energy, translating to significant savings on utility bills. By selecting a home with a superior HERS® Index Score, you can reduce your monthly energy expenses, making your home more affordable in the long run. 2. Environmental Impact Energy-efficient homes contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. By opting for a home with a low HERS® Index Score, you are playing a part in minimizing your environmental footprint, promoting sustainability, and supporting a healthier planet. 3. Comfort and Quality Energy-smart homes typically offer enhanced comfort levels due to superior insulation and efficient heating and cooling systems. This means fewer drafts, consistent indoor temperatures, and improved overall air quality, resulting in a healthier living environment. 4. Resale Value Energy efficiency is a growing concern among homebuyers. Homes with lower HERS® Index Scores often have higher resale values because of their reduced operating costs and environmental benefits. Investing in an energy-smart home can yield a better return on investment when it comes time to sell. How to Find an Energy Smart Builder Using HERS® Index Scores 1. Research and Verify Builders Start by researching builders who prioritize energy efficiency in their construction practices. Look for builders who advertise their commitment to sustainable building and have a track record of constructing energy-efficient homes. Verify their credentials and ask for references or testimonials from previous clients. 2. Request HERS® Index Scores When evaluating potential homes, request the HERS® Index Scores from the builders. Reputable builders should readily provide this information. Compare the scores across different homes and builders to assess which ones are offering superior energy performance. 3. Inspect the Home’s Features Examine the specific features that contribute to the HERS® Index Score. Key elements to consider include: High-performance insulation and windows Energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems Energy-saving appliances and lighting Properly sealed ducts and air leaks Understanding these features will help you appreciate how they contribute to the overall energy efficiency of the home. 4. Consider Third-Party Certifications In addition to the HERS® Index, look for homes that have received third-party certifications such as ENERGY STAR® or LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). These certifications further validate the home’s energy efficiency and sustainable design. 5. Ask Questions Engage with the builders and ask detailed questions about their construction practices, materials used, and their approach to energy efficiency. Builders who are genuinely committed to energy-smart construction will be transparent and knowledgeable about their methods. Finding an energy-smart builder and using HERS® Index Scores to shop for homes based on energy performance can greatly enhance your living experience, save you money, and contribute to a more sustainable future. By prioritizing energy efficiency in your home-buying process, you not only invest in a cost-effective and comfortable living space but also play a crucial role in supporting environmental conservation. Use the HERS® Index as your guide to making informed decisions and finding a home that meets your energy performance expectations. Call to Action Ready to start your search for an energy-efficient home? Begin by exploring builders who prioritize energy performance and request their HERS® Index Scores. Make your next home purchase a smart investment in both your financial future and the planet’s health. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact our team at

  • LG Chem VS. SolarEdge Home Battery

    As the demand for home energy storage grows, various brands and models of batteries have emerged in the market. This article will compare two popular home battery products—LG Chem and SolarEdge Home Battery. We will provide a detailed analysis of their advantages and disadvantages in different aspects to help you choose the product that best suits your needs. Brand Background LG Chem LG is a South Korean multinational conglomerate known for its diverse range of consumer electronics, home appliances, and industrial products. LG Chem, a subsidiary specializing in energy storage solutions, is renowned for its exceptional quality and innovation, aimed at enhancing energy efficiency and reducing dependency on the grid. SolarEdge SolarEdge is a global leader in solar inverters and power optimizers and has recently expanded its product line to include energy storage solutions such as the SolarEdge Home Battery. SolarEdge's energy storage products complement its expertise in solar optimization, providing a comprehensive energy management system. Basic Specifications Comparison Expansion Capability LG Chem LG Chem batteries are primarily designed to back up basic loads in the home (less than 20A). Even when two batteries are installed, they can still only back up basic loads. This means its expansion capability is limited, making it suitable for homes with fewer loads. SolarEdge Home Battery The SolarEdge Home Battery is more flexible in terms of expansion capability. When two batteries are installed, they can work in parallel to provide power simultaneously, allowing backup of larger loads (less than 60A), including a single air conditioning unit, well pump, etc. This makes SolarEdge perform better in homes with greater energy demands. Installation and Compatibility LG Chem LG Chem batteries are only suitable for string inverters and are not compatible with microinverters. During the installation process, recommended loads will be moved to a sub-panel, which will be backed up by the battery. SolarEdge Home Battery The SolarEdge Home Battery is only compatible with SolarEdge inverters. Similar to LG Chem, recommended loads will be moved to a sub-panel, which will be backed up by the battery. In case of a power outage, only the circuits in the sub-panel will have power. Monitoring Features LG Chem LG Chem batteries can be monitored via a dedicated app, providing real-time data monitoring, allowing customers to fully understand the battery's operating status and energy usage. SolarEdge Home Battery The SolarEdge Home Battery also offers a dedicated app for monitoring, providing real-time monitoring of battery status and directly programming the battery discharge configuration according to the customer's market. Summary When choosing a home energy storage solution, both LG Chem and SolarEdge Home Battery have their advantages: LG Chem is suitable for homes with fewer loads, offering a stable and efficient energy storage solution. SolarEdge Home Battery excels in expansion capability and compatibility, making it suitable for homes that need to back up larger loads. We hope this comparison helps you make an informed decision based on your needs, achieving greater energy independence and sustainability. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our support team. SOA - Solar Owners Association

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  • 太陽能系統咨詢

    介紹: 探索太陽能未來:參加我們的線上諮詢活動! 您是否正在考慮轉向太陽能但有疑問或擔憂?加入我們即將舉行的線上諮詢活動,獲得全面的見解和個性化的指導,解答您關於太陽能的一切疑問! 活動亮點: **深入討論:**了解不同的太陽能選項,包括PPA(購電協議)、租賃和購買。 **專家建議:**我們經驗豐富的太陽能專家將回答您的問題,並解決您的任何疑慮。 **案例研究:**學習成功的太陽能安裝案例及其如何使家庭和企業受益。 **成本分析:**詳細了解財務方面的內容,包括潛在的節省、投資回報和可用的激勵措施。 **未來趨勢:**了解最新的太陽能技術進展以及太陽能未來的發展。 為何參加? **個性化諮詢:**根據您的獨特能源需求和情況提供量身定制的建議。 **互動問答環節:**與專家即時互動,立即解答您的疑問。 **資源材料:**獲得獨家資源和指南,幫助您做出有知識的太陽能決策。 **交流機會:**與志同道合的人士和行業專業人士建立聯繫,共同探討太陽能的興趣。 誰應參加? 正在考慮太陽能解決方案的房主。 希望降低能源成本並提升可持續性的企業主。 任何對了解太陽能益處和潛力感興趣的人士。 活動詳情: 日期:[插入日期] 時間:[插入時間] 平台:[插入線上平台] 不要錯過這次照亮您未來的太陽能機會!立即預訂您的席位,邁出通向可持續且具成本效益的能源解決方案的第一步。 立即註冊:[插入註冊鏈接] 如需更多信息,請聯繫我們:[插入聯繫信息]。

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Other (104)

  • Zero Energy Home Guide | Solar Owners Association (SOA)

    Zero Energy Homes As a leader in promoting renewable energy and sustainable development, SOA is dedicated to providing you with cutting-edge information on energy-efficient homes. Our Zero Energy Homes page showcases how high-performance designs and renewable energy technologies can achieve energy self-sufficiency, reduce environmental footprints, and enhance quality of life. Explore more to learn how to make your home more eco-friendly and energy-efficient. Learn More SOA Find an Energy Smart Builder: Use HERS® Index Scores to Shop for Homes Based on Energy Performance In today's world, energy efficiency has become a key factor in the decision-making process for homebuyers. With rising energy costs and... SOA LG Chem VS. SolarEdge Home Battery As the demand for home energy storage grows, various brands and models of batteries have emerged in the market. This article will compare... SOA Navigating the Evolution of NEM: From 1.0 to 3.0 and Beyond Net Energy Metering (NEM) policies, such as NEM 3.0 in California, are subject to regulatory changes based on legislative actions, public... 1 2 3 4 5 Anchor ZERH QA SOA Policy Subsidy Application Services SOA is dedicated to assisting builders and homeowners in applying for utility company and government energy efficiency subsidies. We aim to improve home energy efficiency and reduce construction costs. Contact us for professional support. Chat With Us

  • Carbon Credits | Solar Owners Association (SOA)

    Carbon Emissions and Carbon Credits Explore how to reduce your carbon footprint and gain economic benefits through the carbon credit market. Learn about the latest carbon emission reduction technologies and projects, and achieve your sustainability goals with SOA's expert guidance. Let's work together to create a cleaner, greener future. Learn More SOA Find an Energy Smart Builder: Use HERS® Index Scores to Shop for Homes Based on Energy Performance In today's world, energy efficiency has become a key factor in the decision-making process for homebuyers. With rising energy costs and... SOA LG Chem VS. SolarEdge Home Battery As the demand for home energy storage grows, various brands and models of batteries have emerged in the market. This article will compare... SOA Navigating the Evolution of NEM: From 1.0 to 3.0 and Beyond Net Energy Metering (NEM) policies, such as NEM 3.0 in California, are subject to regulatory changes based on legislative actions, public... 1 2 3 4 5 Anchor ZERH QA

  • SOA | Solar Owners Association

    Power the future together The Solar Owners Association (SOA) is dedicated to promoting solar energy development and environmental sustainability. We provide comprehensive information, expert guidance, and transparent services to help solar users enhance efficiency and sustainability. Whether you are a current owner or a future user, we are committed to offering you the latest information on solar systems, ensuring everyone can benefit from clean energy. Join us in creating a greener, brighter future together! Join us Jun 20 3 min Find an Energy Smart Builder: Use HERS® Index Scores to Shop for Homes Based on Energy Performance In today's world, energy efficiency has become a key factor in the decision-making process for homebuyers. With rising energy costs and... Jun 16 2 min LG Chem VS. SolarEdge Home Battery As the demand for home energy storage grows, various brands and models of batteries have emerged in the market. This article will compare... Jun 16 4 min Future Owners Navigating the Evolution of NEM: From 1.0 to 3.0 and Beyond Net Energy Metering (NEM) policies, such as NEM 3.0 in California, are subject to regulatory changes based on legislative actions, public... Hailingo Jun 23 How much do you know about Tesla Energy? Like Reactions 0 0 comments 0 Views SOA Official Jun 20 Looking for an energy-efficient contractor? Like Reactions 0 0 comments 0 Views Will Guo (Sunrun) Jun 17 How to become a blog writer on SOA? Like Reactions 0 0 comments 0 Views The Month's Events July 2024 Today Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ​The Power of Expertise, The Reach of Influence Promoting Sustainable Community Models Learn More 我們的服務 Our Services We provide extensive solar knowledge, including industry insights, trend analysis, DIY guides, and more, to help you fully understand and utilize solar technology. Educational Platform Ariticle We foster a vibrant member community that promotes experience sharing and interaction. We regularly organize online and offline events to enhance connections and support. Community Support Forum We offer unbiased and impartial solar system evaluations to help you choose the most suitable solutions, ensuring that your investment yields the best returns. ​ Independent Research Group Our expert team offers personalized consultation services, answering your questions and providing customized solar system design and optimization advice. ​ Professional Consulation FAQs Quick Estimate Our SOA one-stop quick estimate service makes it easy for you to understand the cost and potential savings of installing a solar system. Simply provide your address and average monthly electricity bill, and our experts will offer you detailed estimates for the three best solar solutions, helping you make the smartest choice to achieve energy savings and reduce emissions. Get Started Getting into solar energy was daunting until I found a platform with excellent resources and community support. Their quick estimates and insightful articles made the transition smooth and rewarding! Thomas Fisher, Irvine, CA

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